CAB’s next meeting will be Thursday, Dec. 19, 2024, at 7 pm. Please contact us at for a Zoom link.
CAB relays notices of Air Quality alerts as we receive them from DEP. Hot summer days are conducive to high ozone levels. Residents are encouraged to check for current conditions in their area. Check our news section for the latest information.
The Clean Air Board contracted with the Center for Land Use and Sustainability at Shippensburg University to conduct an analysis of the data collected by PurpleAir monitors located in south-central Pennsylvania. Read the complete report. Prof. Tim Hawkins spoke to the Board on Nov. 17, 2022. See the recorded CAB meeting. Check out the PurpleAir historic data at
CAB discussion of the Inflation Reduction Act – CAB loorks at the povisions aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Thomas Y. Au, CAB President presents. Zoom presentation. Oct. 20, 2022.
CAB discussion on Clean Construction. Zoom presentation, Dr. Frank Castrina discusses the health effects of diesel and other emissions from construction projects. We can reduce these emission and protect community health. Recorded Sept. 15, 2022.
Solar United Neighbors. Zoom presentation. Monica Carey from Solar United Neighbors presents information on installing solar panels on houses and how to participate in a solar cooperative. Recorded June 16, 2022.
Little People, but Big Effects. Zoom presentation. Members of the Clean Air Board discuss how low doses of air pollution can affect a child health and steps that can be taken to reduce exposure. Recorded May 19, 2022.
Air Pollution + COVID Means Double Trouble , April 21, 2021, 7PM View the recorded presentation by Dr. Craig Jurgensen of the Clean Air Board of Central PA :