October 24-26, 2022
Dickinson College is hosting a symposium Science-Based Choices for Climate Action. Over 3000 people from 52 countries have registered to watch and engage with the outstanding lineup of confirmed speakers. The speakers have extensive expertise in climate change science, risks, policy and action, and include authors of the latest reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
April 21, 2021
Air Pollution + COVID Means Double Trouble View the recorded presentation by Dr. Craig Jurgensen of the Clean Air Board of Central PA: https://www.facebook.com/events/2941249876143097/
Dickinson College Clarke Forum: Air Pollution in Pennsylvania
To view the live presentation, go to:
Air pollution levels in some parts of Pennsylvania are among the nation’s highest. In addition to other health implications, new research links increased levels of air pollution to higher COVID-19 death rates. To orient these concerns, this panel will include a review of key air pollution sources across Pennsylvania. Community members will reflect on localized air pollution considerations and potential opportunities for engagement.
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Best Practices for Large Scale Development – Understanding the Law
View a video of this event: https://vimeo.com/495516645
A growing number of municipalities are looking for ways to reconcile local quality of life consistent with new large scale development, including redevelopment. In this program, speakers will address the current state of municipal land use law, the economics of large scale development, and best practices for mitigating environmental and social impacts of large development.
View model zoning provisions. Model Zoning Ordinance -CAB Widener CLE
Professor John Dernbach, Director, Environmental Law and Sustainability Center at Widener University Commonwealth Law School will moderate the discussion.
Panelists Include:
Donald W. Miles, Land Use and Zoning attorney, former municipal solicitor in Lehigh County. He will speak on the Municipalities Planning Code.
Jamie Keener, Chief Executive Officer of the Cumberland Area Economic Development Corporation will speak of the economic and geographic factors that affect companies’ decisions to site warehousing projects.
Thomas Au, President, the Clean Air Board of Central Pennsylvania, will speak on best practices that can mitigate environmental and social concerns for siting large development. He will introduce a Best Practices Model Ordinance.
sponsored by Widener Law Commonwealth’s Environmental Law and Sustainability Center
A discussion about air pollution during the coronavirus lockdown with the Clean Air Board and the American Lung Association on WITF’s SmartTalk Radio, May 5, 2020 9 am,